3 Key Social Media Personality Types

Namrata T. Vishwanath
3 min readOct 16, 2020

When it comes to Social Media, there are essentially 3 kinds of people/organizations: those who have a dislike for social media and stay away from it; those who like social media and are on it all the time; and those who aren’t necessarily in love with social media but see the value in what it can create when it is used properly.

Category 1: Those who have a patent dislike for Social Media

This comprises of people/leaders, brands/organizations who hate social media because it becomes a space to keep up with the Joneses. It becomes a space to see what someone else is doing, and then they don’t feel very good because they end up seeing what others are doing and suddenly their life doesn’t seem as happy or happening as that of others on social media.

If this isn’t what they are feeling then they are equally feeling that there is a lot of unwanted attention and loss of privacy. Most such individuals, leaders, brands, or organizations shy away from social media because they feel it heightens anxiety and attracts unwanted attention.

Category 2: Those who love Social Media huge

This comprises of people/leaders, brands, or organizations who you will see on social media all the time. Some are on social media all the time to see what others are doing, learn, or just browse and fill up time, and be entertained. While they may not necessarily be building their brand footprint they love seeing what others post, and are on social media primarily to relax and feel entertained.

Category 3: Those who see value in Social Media for the value it can create

This comprises of people, leaders, brands, or organizations who may not necessarily be in love with social media but they see the value of social media to harness it to create value for others, to build influence, to generate leads and attract opportunities, build value-creating connections & communities, and stay abreast of trends.

Oops! There is a Category 4! This category is a blend of 2 or more of the above categories. This category alternates between each category depending on the mood or flavor of the moment.

Try and take a look within to see which one of these categories you fall under and which one you want to be more of predominantly.

I wish more success to each Leader, each Team Member, each Organization, and each Business. Keep striving! Keep evolving! Keep shining!

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Namrata Vishwanath

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Namrata T. Vishwanath
Namrata T. Vishwanath

Written by Namrata T. Vishwanath


Corporate Lawyer turned Leadership Coach | www.namratavishwanath.com

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