When does staying positive NOT work & how to make it work?

Namrata T. Vishwanath
5 min readOct 14, 2020

If you had a choice between staying Positive and NOT being Positive, what would you choose?

Staying Positive would be the obvious choice.


Because being positive makes you feel good, makes others feel good, and in general, improves your productivity levels. Not being positive on the other hand, makes you feel like you are doomed, you have no way out, translates into a mindset that is not a growth mindset, and along with pulling yourself down, you unknowingly also pull others down with you.

Imagine being a team member working with a leader or team members who are constantly pulling you down!

Imagine being a leader having to cope up with resistant team members who just don’t listen or have a great attitude but something always holds them back from being ace performers because they just don’t feel good enough!

Imagine if you are the one who doesn’t necessarily have bad behavioural traits but you are feeling low, or stressed, or anxious, or afraid. Would these thoughts or feelings help you be productive? Perhaps not! Because these are some of the very things that are holding you back from being a peak performer.

Despite the stress on being positive, how many of us find it difficult to do this? It’s very easy to get into a downward spiral, very easy to be flooded with thoughts/emotions like feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or afraid even.

Let’s say you want to drink a glass of water — what would you do?

You would first clean the glass thoroughly and then pour clean water into it. You wouldn’t pour clean water in a dirty glass because this would mean you would get a glass of dirty water to drink — and that isn’t healthy by any standard.

It’s the same with your thoughts — you can layer and dump positive thoughts and affirmations in your system and it will make you happy for a short time but unless you find ways to expel the limiting thoughts or feelings from your system and then load up with positive thoughts and experiences, you will not be able to shift your energy at a deep level.

3 easy ways to declutter your mind and energy field are:

One, set out time to exercise for at least 15 minutes a day, even if it's just a walk. When you are working, take small breaks after every couple of hours to do a few jumping jacks. This will refresh you and declutter your mind. Of course, if you are able to put in more exercise regularly (e.g. a 45 minute walk/other exercise regimen) or you have a fitness coach to help you out with an exercise regimen nothing like it!

Two, many energy healing practises talk about using Salt Water baths to cleanse your energy field and mind. It’s super simple and will help you feel refreshed internally and externally. All you need to do is buy any regular salt (doesn’t have to be any kind of special salt and can even be the table salt you use), and scrub it all over your body after you have done your regular shower with soap/shower gel, and leave it on for 3 minutes and then wash it off. Salt has the property of disintegrating unwholesome energies and leaves you feeling super refreshed.

Three, keep a diary with pages that you are happy to tear off and do a thought dump. This is your diary to dump all thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you feel are holding you back. Any time you feel overwhelmed, afraid, frustrated or unable to find a solution, pour your heart out onto paper and tear it into small shreds and throw it in a bin or burn it (preferably in an open space and inside a pan to make it safe). Many proponents of the dump your negative thoughts on paper and tear it up and/or burn it say that this act translates and moves all negative thoughts from your subconscious mind and removes it from your system, and helps you disconnect from it till you feel an amazing sense of relief.

The question is how often do you need to practise the above 123 method? The answer to that lies in the following questions:

How often do you need to shower?

How often do you brush your teeth?

How often do you clean your room?

Essentially, you need to be consistent about it. Exercise and salt water baths can be done daily. The practice of doing your thought dump can be as often as every night or at a frequency you wish.

While some of these may seem like unconventional methods — experiment, and try and see how this makes you feel, and if it makes you feel good then continue to do it. Sometimes decluttering your mind may come with tears and that is nothing but you releasing that which never served you.

This is of course your first step to move towards positive thinking and making it work. Once you consistently declutter your mind and energy field using these easy and simple tools, you should simultaneously expose yourself to positive thoughts, positive thinking, build on successes, and know that every challenge contains its own solution.

In the overall scheme of things, as you continue to do so, you will start consistently feeling calmer and more capable to deal with whatever challenges your life, career, team, or business throw at you. You will find your productivity levels improve. You will see yourself approaching every challenge by successfully finding solutions. You will find yourself helping others excel while you are excelling yourself.

Here’s to your happy positive thinking while decluttering your mind and building one success story after another!

I wish more success to each Leader, each Team Member, each Organization, and each Business. Keep striving! Keep evolving! Keep shining!

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Namrata Vishwanath

If you are a Corporate/Business Leader or Executive and would like to learn how to build your career, teams, and business through building a leadership mindset and skills, please join the Leader by Design Hub & click on the link for more information: https://linktr.ee/namratavishwanath



Namrata T. Vishwanath
Namrata T. Vishwanath

Written by Namrata T. Vishwanath


Corporate Lawyer turned Leadership Coach | www.namratavishwanath.com

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