Why is feeling overwhelmed a normal emotion during a crisis? How should you put it in perspective?

Namrata T. Vishwanath
3 min readJun 19, 2020

Why do I bring up this question in the context of the Leadership Mindset?

This is the common emotion across Corporates/Businesses currently. People are feeling stuck and overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed is an emotion where you know what you want to do but something overpowers you and makes you feel stuck. You feel motionless and you are unable to do what you want to do to get to where you want to be.

For one minute, visualise a car in a city road and put that car in a desert or sand dune, and you will find it’s stuck and unable to move because it’s not equipped to deal with this.

Now just for a minute visualise a different car this time, this car is sturdy, has a powerful engine, has sturdy tyres, and is fully tanked up/fuelled up. This car will power through the desert and tame the terrain.

So what is the connection between this example, the feeling of being overwhelmed, the current crisis, and the Leadership Mindset?

First, Fuel Up — unplug, recharge and fix yourself. And then get back right on track to focus on your career/business targets.

Second, you need a Powerful Engine. This powerful engine is your mindset. When you win in your head first, you will drive your action with that energy of winning in your career and business. So sift out and be conscious about the thoughts you are having. Weed out what’s not serving you, and implant thoughts that will work for you.

How does this translate at a team or organization level? You need to invest in building a strong collective mindset. You can try and achieve this by yourself or reach out for external assistance including by investing in coaches who can help you, your leadership team, and your organization build that strong collective mindset to elevate your leadership game and produce impactful results.

Third, you need a Sturdy Body. I am not asking you to buy sturdy tyres. I am asking you to focus on eating right, sleeping right and exercising right. Everytime you feel overwhelmed, get some movement to bring your focus back.

How does this translate in the context of your team and business? This translates at the level of your business and team by building the right strategies, and affecting efficient systems that help produce impactful results.

If you resonated with this, please share this with the person who you feel needs to read or hear this the most.


Namrata Vishwanath

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